Шановні учні
Ось код для Classroom -
Dear students,
Do your H/W in your work-book. Then take a photo of your work and send it to this email: pravosudtatiana@gmail.com
The subject of your e-mail - The date of the H/W and the number and the page of the exercise.
NB! you can see the previous tasks on my blog - https://tpmy
Річна оцінка по предмету буде складатися з оцінки за 1 семестр, оцінки за 2 семестр, яка виставляється за період до 12.03 та підсумкової оцінки з дистанційного навчання. Середній бал за трьома параметрами і є річною.
Якщо немає змоги надсилати роботи електронною поштою, можете надати свої роботи в зошиті або на інших паперових носіях, залишивши їх у чергового школи з 25.05 по 07.06 з 9.00 до 12.00.
Тож, у період до 07.06 можна доздати або перездати ту чи іншу роботу.
Увага ! Перездати семестрову контрольну роботу не можно, а здати - так!!!
Увага ! Перездати семестрову контрольну роботу не можно, а здати - так!!!
Якщо з якоїсь причини учень буде не атестований,учитель складає для нього індивідуальний план на літо і у вересні приймає залік.
Навчальні досягнення - ТУТ
(пусті клітинки означають, що учні не здали роботи)
Dear students,
Before your summer holidays start, read the following articles from British council about different ways of improving your language skills:
#2 - https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/pop-songs-connected-speech-fluent-english?utm_source=BC_TE_Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=voices&fbclid=IwAR0yZ7iQD38VQ8_OcSpHBGYZdcS9yuKO-6YBArtQpJH50Ye3dlZPQz1Yurc
#3 - https://padlet.com/TeachingEnglishJukebox/TeachingEnglishJukebox?fbclid=IwAR12BjP-zds32_tC9ax4va2DoWU7rgti45wllVmGKwP-bgtED9aT11i6PWs
#3 - https://padlet.com/TeachingEnglishJukebox/TeachingEnglishJukebox?fbclid=IwAR12BjP-zds32_tC9ax4va2DoWU7rgti45wllVmGKwP-bgtED9aT11i6PWs
22/05/2020 - II Semester Final Test:
Attention!!! 22/05/2020 is the Final II Semester test!!!
#26 - This is your H/W for 21/05/2020:
Read and Revise grammar rules - pp.196 - 214.
Get ready for the Final II Semester test.
#25 - This is your H/W for 19/05/2020:
Write the words into your vocabularies - A Guide to British and American
Culture- pp.190-195
#24 - This is your H/W for 15/05/2020:
1. Read the life-story of James Baldwin and answer the questions - Ex.1 p.182(orally)
2. Write the words into your vocabularies p. 183 and do Ex. 2 p 184/5(orally)
3. Read the story "I Make a Long Journey" pp. 183-184 and do Ex. 6 p.186 (orally)
4. Do Ex.11 p 187 and Ex.12 p.187 in writing
#23 - This is your H/W for 14/05/2020:
1. Read the life-story of Lensey Namioka and answer the questions - Ex.1 p.173(orally)
2. Write the words into your vocabularies p. 174 and do Ex. 2 p 177(orally)
3. Read the story "In the School Orchestra" pp. 174-176 and do Ex. 11 p.180 (orally)
4. Do Ex.13 p 180 and Ex.16 p.181 in writing
#22 - This is your H/W for 12/05/2020:
1. Answer the questions - Ex.1 p.168(in writing)
2. Write the words into your vocabularies p. 168
3. Read the story "The Reader of Books" pp. 168-170 and do Ex. 13 p.172 (orally)
4. Do Ex.14 p 172 and Ex.16 p.172 in writing
Happy Victory Day!!!
#21 - This is your H/W for 08/05/2020:
1. Read the life-story of Roald Dahl and answer the questions - Ex.1 p.162(orally)
2. Write the words into your vocabularies p. 162 and do Ex. 4 p 164(orally)
3. Read the story "Miss Honey" pp. 163-164 and do Ex. 12 p.166 (orally)
4. Do Ex.13 p 168 and Ex.15 p.167 in writing
#20 - This is your H/W for 07/05/2020:
1. Read the life-story of Mark Twain and answer the questions - Ex. 1 p. 154(orally)
2. Write the words into your vocabularies p. 155 and do Ex. 2 p 158(orally)
3. Read the story "How I edited the Agricultural Paper" pp. 155-157
4. Answer the questions – Ex.5 p 159 and Do Ex. 15 p. 161 in writing
#19 - This is your H/W for 05/05/2020:
Write a letter to your English-speaking friend. Tell him/her about the Ukrainian culture and lifestyle+ about the traditions in the place where you live - Ex. 6,7 p. 152
Happy International Workers' Day !!!
Оцінки учнів на кінець квітня дивись тут
(пусті клітинки означають, що учні не здали роботи, a знак ? означає те, що робота творчого характеру виявилась абсолютно однаковою у різних учнів, тобто - не була виконана самостійно і тому не може бути оцінена позитивно)
#18 - This is your H/W for 30/04/2020:
1. Do Ex. 2 and 3 p. 150 in writing
2. Do the test - Ex. 4 p.150
#17 - This is your H/W for 28/04/2020:
1. Do Ex. 1 p. 150 in writing2. Read the text and do the test to it - Ex. 5 p.151
#16 - This is your H/W for 24/04/2020:
Do Ex. 6 p. 148 in writing #15 - This is your H/W for 23/04/2020:
1. Read the text - Ex. 2 p, 147-148
2. Do Ex. 3 p. 148 in writing
#14 - This is your H/W for 21/04/2020:
Write a letter to your English-speaking friend about famous landmarks in the place you live - Ex. 7 p. 146
Easter Monday
Dear students,
ОтветитьУдалитьDo your H/W in your work-book. Then take a photo of your work and send it to this email: pravosudtatiana@gmail.com
The subject of your e-mail - The date of the H/W and the number and the page of the exercise.
#16 - This is your H/W for 24/04/2020:
Do Ex. 6 p. 148 in writing
#15 - This is your H/W for 23/04/2020:
1. Read the text - Ex. 2 p, 147-148
2. Do Ex. 3 p. 148 in writing
#14 - This is your H/W for 21/04/2020:
Write a letter to your English-speaking friend about famous landmarks in the place you live - Ex. 7 p. 146
#13 - This is your H/W for 17/04/2020:
1. Read again the grammar rules Articles:A/An-The pp.198-199
2. Do Ex. 5 p. 146 in writing
#12 - This is your H/W for 16/04/2020:
Read the grammar rules Articles:A/An-The pp.198-199 and write them down into your vocabulary in Ukrainian.(Write down the examples in English, of course)
#11 - This is your H/W for 13/04/2020:
1. Read the text and match the paragraphs(1-5) with the most suitable headings from the list (A-F) - Ex.2 p. 143-144 + do Ex.4 p.145-146 orally
2. Do Ex. 1 p. 143 and Ex.5 p.146 in writing
#10 - This is your H/W for 10/04/2020:
1. Read the text - Ex.4 p. 141-142
2. Do Ex. 5 p. 142 in writing
#9 - This is your H/W for 09/04/2020:
1. Read the grammar rules The Indefinite Pronounce pp.138 and write them down into your vocabulary in Ukrainian.(Write down the examples in English, of course)
2. Do Ex. 3 and 4 pp. 138-139 in writing
#8 - This is your H/W for 06/04/2020:
1.Do Ex.1-2, pp.134-136 - orally
2. Do Ex. 3 and Ex. 5 p.135- 136 in writing
Spring Holidays - 28/03-05/04